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Mesin Roll Plat Bending Machine ( 4 roller )

Update Terakhir
15 / 12 / 2019
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127 kali



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Detail Mesin Roll Plat Bending Machine ( 4 Roller )

HR4WR 4 ROLLS 4 ROLL PLATE BENDING MACHINE The faster and most automated. The wide BASED ANGLED FRAME bulkhead construction is designed to bring increased stability to the whole structure, designed by ROCCIA engineers to absorb side thrust forces during plate rolling cycles. A Roccia four roll bending machine utilizes 2 driven rolls to ensure the rolling torque power transfer. This way a strong material grip is assured between top roll and lower roll with the [ MAP] material pinching system. Single unit high torque hydraulic MOTORS/ PLANETARY GEARBOXES are directly mounted onto each driving roll to ensure a smooth feed through of the plate, there is no loss of power normally associated with secondary transmissions, plus the added benefit of one less gearbox to maintain. ROLL DESIGN CALCULATION. It is the heart of the machines performance; it’ s what makes a ROCCIA plate roll different from the competition. ROLL CAMBER CALCULATION. Roll camber is required to counter act roll deflection that occurs as bending forces are applied, so as to ensure a perfect closing of the longitudinal seam, it is a vitally important factor. If the camber is calculated incorrectly, the result will be, ( 1) a barrel shaped cylinder ie not closing perfectly along the longitudinal seam, gap in the middle, ( 2) an hour glass shaped cylinder, the longitudinal seam touching in the middle, but not at the ends. ROCCIA roll dimensioning camber calculation are done on sophisticated 3D cad software that produces all the critical data required for every step of the rolling process. Roll calculations are seldom to standard formulae, no, they are calculated around customer requirements, this being, material type, mechanical strength, material thickness, the rolls cylinder length dimension. Only this way can we grant the performance and the precision of the plate rolling machine we manufacture for you. Roccia engineers have designed a new and exclusive heavy duty CONE ROLLING DEVICE, that is mounted or bolted or positioned into the machine hard against the bottom roll shoulder to eliminate possible movement. The MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT OF THE PINCHING lower roll [ MAP] in counjunction with the powerful thrust of the 2 side bending rolls during the pre bend cycle ensures a minimal flat along the longitudinal edge. CLEANLINESS AND ORDER in the hydraulic and electrical parts of our machine express the attention to detail we put into our product. ROCCIA plate bending rolls use SWING ARM TECHNOLOGY for the movement of the side bending rolls. Each swing arm is manufactured from a solid steel profile this ensures rigidity.( This design solution offers a smooth friction free movement for each side roll, a friction less system has the advantages of; more pre bending power, a maintenance free longer life unit.
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